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[click here for printable version]
Dear speaker,
Thank you for taking time to qualify/share your story today. Please observe the following guidelines for speaking as laid out by OA World Service and our Intergroup:
Thank you for taking time to qualify/share your story today. Please observe the following guidelines for speaking as laid out by OA World Service and our Intergroup:
- Anonymity: Please honor the 11th and 12th Tradition when sharing. Use first names only. No taping or picture taking without the express permission of those involved.
- In keeping with Traditions 1, 6 & 10 please refrain from discussing or mentioning by name any publications or institutions not associated or approved by Overeaters Anonymous, including other 12 Step programs.
- OA members who are also affiliated with other anonymous programs are requested to speak only of their personal recovery in OA, to avoid implying endorsement of an outside enterprise. All members are invited to share on their own experience strength and hope. Please confine your sharing to your experience with the disease of compulsive eating, the solution offered by O.A. and your own recovery from the disease."
- "Feedback, cross talk and advice giving are discouraged here. Cross talk during an OA meeting is giving advice to others who have already shared, speaking directly to another person rather than to the group, and questioning or interrupting a person speaking or sharing."
- Please identify yourself and by name and your disease each time you speak during a meeting or retreat session to clarify that you are speaking only for yourself, rather than for Overeaters Anonymous as an organization.